Ethical Guidelines for BMR

Borneo Management Review (BMR) is a peer-reviewed international journal (online). In ensuring the quality of articles published in the BMR, editors, authors and reviewers must adhere to the highest level of professional ethics and standards. In this respect, clear ethical guidelines must be provided to the editors, authors and reviewers respectively.

The responsibilities of editors are as follows:

  • Acknowledge receipt of submitted manuscripts.
  • Ensure an efficient, fair, and timely review process is given to reviewers or revision by authors.
  • Ensure the processing of submitted manuscripts in a strictly confidential manner.
  • Disclose the content of manuscripts only to the corresponding author, reviewers, and the publishers.
  • Decline to process manuscripts if there is any conflict of interest with any of the authors or institutions related to the manuscripts.
  • Decline to disclose the names and other details of the reviewers to a third party without the permission of the reviewers.
  • Ensure the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is made with reference to the significance, originality, and clarity of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal.
  • Avoid requesting the authors to cite his or her journal either as a pre- condition of accepting their manuscripts for publication.
  • Respond promptly and take reasonable measures when ethical issues concerning a submitted manuscript or a published paper are raised.

The responsibilities of authors are as follows:

  • Refrain from submitting concurrent manuscripts to multiple journals.
  • Refrain from submitting papers that have been published elsewhere to the journal for consideration.
  • Ensure original work.
  • Cite publications that have been influential in supporting the reported work.
  • Present a precise and brief report of his or her research and an impartial description of its significance.
  • Gather and interpret his or her research data.
  • Provide the raw data for his or her research for the convenience of editorial review and public access, if required.
  • Ensure that his/her paper contains sufficient details and references to permit others to replicate the work.
  • Guarantee that the papers submitted are original and free from plagiarism and unethical publishing behaviors.
  • Indicate explicitly the funding support of the study, if applicable.
  • Declare any conflict(s) of interest.
  • Acknowledge all parties who have made contributions to the research.
  • Ensure that all co-authors have affirmed the final version of the paper and have agreed on its final publication.
  • Inform the journal editor of any obvious error(s) in his or her published paper and cooperate earnestly with the editor in any retraction or correction of the paper.

The responsibilities of reviewers are as follows:

  • Assist the editors in making editorial decisions.
  • Notify the editor and excuse himself or herself from the process of reviewing this manuscript if he/she feels unqualified to review the assigned manuscript.
  • Notify the editor and excuse himself/ herself from the process of reviewing this manuscript if he/she cannot meet the deadline for completion.
  • Inform the editor and avoid from reviewing the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest, for example, an obvious personal or academic relationship.
  • Treat the manuscript in a strictly confidential manner.
  • Perform the peer-review job objectively and avoid personal criticism.
  • Suggest relevant published work that have not been cited by authors.
  • Refrain from using for his or her own research, any part of any data or work reported in submitted and as yet unpublished articles.
  • Notify the editor of any similarities between the manuscript under review and any other paper either published or under consideration by another journal.